A button bouquet
a great set of instructions for making homemade juggling balls from balloons and rice.
ReadyNAS 600, the world’s smallest RAID 5 Network Attached Storage (NAS) appliance (about $529)
Flickr photos is a plugin that enables you to display thumbnail links of Flickr photos in your Movable Type blog. Flickr Photos focuses on displaying lists of photos, in many possible ways.
Since the paper rose signifies everlasting beauty, it can be given to a significant other to impress them or win them over. The following instructions are for an origami rose designed by Toshikazu Kawasaki.
Google released a search widget for bloggers/ webmasters to include on their sites. The interesting thing about the widget is that users won’t leave the page searching for something, as results are loaded right below the search box via AJAX. Search resu